SailBoat book 3D

A book that has the answer to your questions "Why me?" and "How do I find my purpose?"

In this fast-paced world that puts immense stress on your time, relationships and finances, you often have so many questions. Why were you born? Where are you going? Why did you choose to experience life in this physical body? Why do you feel the connection with some and not with others? Will you overcome your life-challenges?

Why do philosophies have to be so hard to understand and relate to? Why are they in a language that is understood only by a selected few? Why should only some fortunate ones receive answers, lightness and flow in their lives?

The laws of the universe are broken down to a simple philosophy in Your Sailboat Needs No Engine. A breezy read, its bite-sized chapters can be read in ten minutes. The beautiful simplicity of these powerful chapters stays with you and it all starts making sense as you begin to observe how the Universe's rules play out in your life. And you wonder, how is it that what you chased so hard, now casually arrives at your door?

There is a reason your soul was drawn to this book. Acknowledge this sign and find out what was meant for you within these pages.

Your consciousness took this physical form for a purpose. Losing your way was part of the plan.

You planned the route. All you need to do is switch on ‘navigation’ and gently propel your wheel of life through the waters. Connect to your soul-self and gentle winds will appear. You have the power to change the direction of your boat to glide smoothly over seemingly deep and rough waters.

Your Sailboat Needs No Engine by Preeti Gupta is a book of self-introspection and hope. It is a story of belief – in self, in the Universe and in life. It is a book that teaches you to stop chasing external forces and promises and to discover how to self-heal.

Your Sailboat Needs No Engine by Preeti Gupta is a book of self-introspection and hope. It is a story of belief – in self, in the Universe and in life. It is a book that teaches you to stop chasing external forces and promises and to discover how to self-heal.

Sometimes all it takes is a sentence that resonates, to instantly clear the fog and give you a new clarity and a path of purpose. This book has many such connections. You will find one that is meant only for YOU.

Empower yourself like never before. Apply your understanding immediately. And watch magic unfold before you.

Discover that your sailboat needs no engine.